Geschichten aus aller Welt 💌️

Нашата приказна започна пред многу години. Кога луѓето се вљубуваат и одлучуваат да продолжат заедно во животот, не размислуваат за идеата дали ќе можат да имаат деца. Некако тоа се подразбираа дека е природно, дека штом има љубов и желба секако ќе се случи. Но како поминуваат годините и не се случуваше, полека започнавме да прифаќаме дека е проблем кој нема сам од себе да се реши, дека …

North Macedonia

by Couple


Klinika Newlife IVF nam je ispunila našu najveću i jedinu želju, da doďemo do neprocenjenjivog dara bebe. ❤️

Zadovoljni smo celokupnim pristupom klinike i timom klinike. Svaki odgovor smo dobili u rekordnom roku. Rešenje problema smo odmah dobili i plan rešenja problema koji je bio tačan. Naša topla preporuka svakom paru koji ima isto problem da doďu do potomstva.

Prezadovoljni …


by Couple


I found Newlife IVF Greece while researching IVF clinics in Europe with donor egg programs. I chose the clinic due to its high rating on multiple sites, the patient reviews, the high number of quality embryo guarantee programs they offered and the easier logistics to go there — just a four-hour drive from Sofia.

I had already many years of trying in Bulgaria and abroad, first with own …


Our journey with stimulation procedures started five years ago. Consultation, stimulations, five IVF procedures in two hospitals and three clinics in our country and the results were always negative. These procedures are very depressing for the couple, initially filled with hopes, with promises and finally you see just the negative results. Therefore, a very important factor is the behavior of …


by Couple


From the moment I connected with Newlife during an online meeting to the day I discovered I was pregnant, the experience was truly phenomenal. For nine years, I had been trying to have a baby, facing one fertility challenge after another. After hearing that Greece was an excellent destination for IVF, I decided to research clinics and came across Newlife. The glowing reviews online, …

United Kingdom

by Sarah


We are beyond grateful for the exceptional support and care you provided to us throughout our IVF journey. This experience has been transformative and life-changing, as we are now overjoyed to be 24 weeks into our pregnancy. This moment is truly a dream come true, and we couldn’t have reached it without your expertise and encouragement.

To the entire staff at New Life Clinic, thank you …


by Couple


Sa najvećim zadovoljstvom želimo da podelimo naše pozitivno iskustvo sa celim timom klinike Newlife.

Kada su nam u Beogradu uništili sve nade, klinika Newlife je bila tu da nam vrati veru u ostvarenje sna. Više nisam bila samo broj pacijenta, jer se u klinici Newlife uz maksimalnu stručnost, ceo tim ophodi sa iskrenom ljubaznošću, posvećenošću, podrškom i pozitivizmom.

Činjenica …


by Couple


I would like to say that I am extremely grateful to Jordanka, our patient coordinator and doctor Pantelis for taking such good care of us. They were always very quick to respond to our inquiries and made us feel calm and re-assured. Everybody in the clinic was very professional and polity. We received all the necessary consultation and felt we are being cared for. I would recommend the clinic …


by Couple


We had worked with several high-ranking IVF clinics over the past seven years, but Newlife was an entirely different experience from the start. I couldn't believe how thoroughly they reviewed our medical history in preparation for the initial consultation; their questions clearly revealed this, and it also made it easy for us to choose Newlife over another clinic where we had previously had a …


by Couple


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