The personal experience of Alina and Roberto from United Kingdom

When you embark on a journey like the one myself and my husband decided to pursue, you have the firm knowledge of where you start, but you cannot recognise the horizon in front of you.
IVF is a so difficult path to walk, that even braver spirits and strong hearts may decide to quit, because in most cases you feel alone and scared as you are totally ignorant of what is going on, with zero certainties about being able to achieve the target.
But then sometimes fortune looks at you, and you get to know an incredible Team of people who are human beings before being professionals. They have taken us through the process, helping us to make every single and needed step. They have always been available for us, even when we needed to satisfy our curiosity or were impatient to get an answer to a childish question. I don't know what helped us this time to be successful, but I am sure that without the Newlife IVF Team, we wouldn't have reached our goal. A special thanks to Chrysa, Dr Dovas, Thaleia Victoria, Maroula, Monica, Ermina, Anta, Christina, Emmanouela and all others who have always been supporting us, even through the most difficult times.
Thank You for being so helpful and terribly kind; you helped us to achieve the dream, despite it has been very hard, long, and it requested incredible efforts, and for this reason, we consider You all part of our lives, and we consider ourselves a bit Greeks now 🤭…

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